In recent years the solar PV market has become ever-evolving and ever-dynamic. That is why innovative and flexible consultancy services have become increasingly demanding in the new era of Bankable Technical Advisory services.

GreenEnco’s hands-on and pragmatic due diligence approach is helping to mitigate the lifetime investment risk for investors, IPPs and developers in over 15 countries. With over 40 years of cumulative solar operational excellence, the GreenEnco team is your trusted solution provider for your business need. Our domain expertise helped us to understand the need of different stakeholders at different stages of the solar PV project life cycle. GreenEnco’s custom-made Technical Advisory solutions are strengthened with integrated engineering services and operational asset optimisation solutions.

Over the last 15 years, GreenEnco’s founder is a committee member of the BSI and IEC standard committee and co-author of the IET Code of Practice (CoP) for utility-scale solar projects. With our deep understanding of legal and commercial due diligence, we integrate our technical risk management services with your legal and financial due diligence packages to safeguard your investment and operational risks.

Flexible and innovative solutions:

We offer a tailor-made solution to meet your stakeholder's expectations.

  • Project Feasibility Assessment and Details Project Report (DPR)
  • Help build and validate of financial model
  • EPC Tendering
  • Owners Engineering
    • EPC contract technical schedules
    • Irradiance and energy yield assessments
    • Validation of technical reports
    • Validation and approval of construction issue designs
  • Construction quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC)
  • Construction project management

Case Studies:

  • Location: UK
  • Capacity: 7 MWp (Landfil Solar)
  • Module: Mono PERC Bifacial (530 Wp)
  • Inverter: Super string
  • Mounting structure:Fixed tilt
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  • Location: Romania
  • Capacity: 179 MWp (Ground mounted)
  • Module: Mono PERC Bifacial (545Wp)
  • Inverter: Central
  • Mounting structure: Tracker
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  • Location: New Zealand
  • Capacity: 185 MWp (Ground mounted)
  • Module: Mono PERC Bifacial (545Wp)
  • Inverter: Central
  • Mounting structure: Fixed tilt
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  • Location: India
  • Capacity: 10 MWp (Ground mounted)
  • Module: Poly crystalline (325 Wp)
  • Inverter: String
  • Mounting structure: Single axis tracker
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  • Location: Ireland
  • Capacity: 34 MWp (Ground mounted)
  • Module: Mono PERC (550 Wp)
  • Inverter:String
  • Mounting structure: Fixed tilt
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  • Location: Denmark
  • Capacity: 49 MWp (Ground mounted)
  • Module: Mono PERC (545 Wp)
  • Inverter: String
  • Mounting structure: Fixed tilt
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