Existing solar asset owners are increasingly facing generation loss of their assets. A lack of a data-driven decision-making process results in a loss of revenue for them. Reactive O&M response keeping them behind the curve.

That is why an asset optimisation strategy is an essential instrument for asset owners. To support the decision-making for asset owners and asset managers, GreenEnco has developed a technical portfolio optimisation strategy considering technical, contractual and commercial aspects.

GreenEnco’s systematic optimisation approach (pvAPM – PV Asset Performance Management) has been adding value proposition to the solar assets in Asia and Europe. pvAPM strategy is driven by a unique combination of "High Tech" (i.e. artificial intelligence (AI) & machine learning (ML) algorithms developed in-house) and "High Touch" (solar domain intelligence), which helps asset owners to unfold the true value of their assets.

Our optimisation services are proven to be a successful tool to improve the efficiency of O&M contractors and help the asset owners achieve the improved generation of their assets.

GreenEnco's pvAPM can increase the energy efficiency of an existing solar system by following three key steps:

  • Diagnostic analysis
  • Predictive analysis
  • Prescriptive analysis

Key Sources of Errors :




Case Studies:

  • Location: Switzerland
  • Capacity: ~650 KWp (Rooftop)
  • Module: Poly crystalline (260 Wp)
  • Inverter: Central & string
  • Improvement: 6%
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  • Location: UK
  • Capacity: ~20 MWp (Ground mounted)
  • Module: Poly crystalline (275 Wp)
  • Inverter: String
  • Improvement: 4.5%
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  • Location: India
  • Capacity: 100 MWp (Ground mounted)
  • Module: Poly crystalline (305 Wp)
  • Inverter: Central
  • Improvement: 16%
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  • Location: France
  • Capacity: ~8 MWp (Ground mounted)
  • Module: CdTe thin film (85 Wp)
  • Inverter: Central
  • Improvement: 10%
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  • Location: Switzerland
  • Capacity: ~900 KWp (Rooftop)
  • Module: Poly crystalline (245 Wp)
  • Inverter:String
  • Improvement: 9%
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  • Location: Thailand
  • Capacity: ~5 MWp (Ground mounted)
  • Module: Poly crystalline (285 Wp)
  • Inverter: Central
  • Improvement: 4%
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